Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Is Sodomy No Longer A Sin?

The following article was sent via email as a letter-to-the-editor to The Philippine Daily Inquirer but did not see print. Perhaps the Inquirer's editorial staff couldn't handle its "disturbing presence."
I commend Isagani Cruz for his insightful Philippine Daily Inquirer (PDI) article of August 12, 2006, “Don we now our gay apparel”[1] which hits the nail right smack on the head by underscoring the alarming advances of the homosexual revolution in recent years. Aided by Hollywood’s liberal fringe, mainstream media[2], local movie and entertainment industry as well as some legislators in Congress, the homosexual movement strives to impose changes in laws, customs, morals, mentalities and ways of being, so that homosexuality is not only tolerated but also accepted as good and normal. Is it any wonder why homosexual themed movies have been reaping local and international film awards?

Equally alarming is the deplorable arrogance with which homosexual militants claim alleged “rights’ in direct opposition to the laws of God and of nature. Hence, movement activists pressure society to promote or legalize both the practice and the public manifestations of homosexuality, such as gay pride parades and beauty pageants, same-sex “marriage” and the passage of anti-discrimination laws, while relentlessly assailing and marginalizing those who defend traditional morals.

This attitude is echoed by the vitriolic and rather short-sighted rejoinder spewed out by Manuel Quezon III in his Long View column in the PDI of August 14, 2006 entitled, “The Grand Inquisitor.”[3] The piece is a not-so-subtle attempt to demonize anti-homosexuals as bigots, intolerant and uncharitable – oft-repeated and worn-out “talismatic” words bandied about in liberal and “open-minded” yet doctrinally challenged circles - and a glaring example of the ominously cynical collaboration and cunning omissions of deceptive journalism in spreading Christophobia and anti-Christian values that corrode the very soul of Christian Civilization.

Deep down, the bottom line issue is not about discrimination, tolerance, hate crimes or domestic partnership, but the morality of homosexuality. In this highly charged debate, an important distinction must also be made between people with same-sex attraction who resist it and are chaste against those who engage in homosexual acts. Holy Scriptures and the Catholic Church’s Magisterium - the teachers of virtue, fountains of graces and the irreconcilable enemies of error and sin - have never been wanting in counseling the faithful on the evils of homosexuality.

True charity and compassion towards homosexuals consist in making them realize the profound unnatural vice they have embraced, aiding them see the horror of the sin in which they find themselves, and assisting them in every way to desert and renounce their deplorable state. Loving the sinner is not tantamount to tolerating and accepting his or her sin but rather exhorting him or her towards repentance and conversion. Let us recall to mind what Our Lord said to the adulterous woman condemned to death by stoning by the Jewish mob, “Neither do I condemn thee. Go, and now SIN NO MORE.” John 8:11.
[1] http://news.inq7.net/archive_article/index.php?ver=1&index=1&story_id=14837
[2] http://www.manilatimes.net/national/2006/aug/18/yehey/opinion/20060818opi1.html


At 2:16 AM, Blogger E. S. de Montemayor said...

OMG, doctor ka pa naman. such self-righteous bible-toting opinions are the height of bigotry. I wonder how you conduct with patients who do not subscribe to your form of narrow-minded morality.

Let me ask you this: Have you read the beatitudes? Where in the New Testament has Jesus himself condemned homosexuality? Do you think he will condemn 10% of humankind because of what they are and not because of what they have done?

I think with all your so-called "spiritual expertise", surely you must have heard of the parable of the pharisee and the tax collector. Which of the two are you, you be the judge.

And are so blameless that you have the nerve to cast the first stone? Do you think Christ came down here for the likes of you? Well he didn't, for he dined with the tax collectors and the prostitutes, not with self-righteous holier-art-thou pharisees.

your hypocrisy disgusts me.

At 2:52 AM, Blogger vincedejesus said...

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